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Elm trees took a devastating hit in the 1940’s with the introduction of dutch elm disease. I have been hunting for and finding disease resistant trees for the last 20 years. I’m grateful to share the genetics we have available here today

Slippery Elm (Ulmus rubra) Grow your own medicine! This well-known medicine tree is named for its mucilaginous inner bark, which is widely used to soothe and heal, particularly in ailments affecting mucus membranes. Sore throats and digestive concerns are perhaps the most common uses for the dried and powdered inner bark.

The scientific name, Ulmus rubra, refers to the trees’ red heartwood. Slippery elm wood is very hard, strong, and rot resistant.

Our slippery elms come from a monster of a mother tree I found deep in the woods growing 75 feet tall with a full healthy crown

American Elm (Ulmus Americana) Wonderful native tree known for its beautiful vase shaped silhouette. Valuable for wildlife and genetic diversity, these trees provide food and habitat to countless songbirds and native insects

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