
figs fruiting.jpg
figs fruiting.jpg



Figs (Ficus spp)

Fresh figs are an unparalleled treat and a lot of fun to grow. They are subtropical plants but there are many tricks and strategies for growing them in the north. If you live in zone 7 or warmer then you can just grow them outside, but here in zone 5 we've given our figs some extra care.

We grow them with two methods, either in containers or in our greenhouse. The container figs are outside all summer and then brought into the unheated basement or garage for the winter. They require no light while they are dormant, so it is not hard to overwinter figs.

Breba refers to the summer crop and main crop is the fall fruit.

White Marseilles: Large delicious fruit, white/green skin pink flesh. Produces breba and main crop

LSU Purple: Very tasty purple skin and white flesh. Produces breba and main crop

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