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Hawthorn Cratageus Spp

There are hundreds of species of hawthorn across the temperate world. Botanists are not able to classify them all.

We've been searching out exceptional varieties for years in hedgerows, wild areas, and parks and gardens

Hawthorn fruit is good for fresh eating, processing, and medicine. It is highly valued for it's beneficial effects on the heart.

Excellent wildlife tree for birds and mammals. Very cold hardy

Washington Select This seed strain was selected by Ken Asmus from Oikos Tree Crops. We found it thriving at Edible Acres in Trumansburg, NY. It bears abundant yields of bright red clean fruit. Resistant to scab and rust

Hector Haw I found this strain growing in the hedges of the Finger lakes national forest in Hector, NY. Bears very large crops of robust fruit. Resistant to scab and rust

Hawthorn seeds germinate second spring after a fall planting. They need two cold stratification periods interrupted by a warm stratification. 3 months is sufficient for each stratification period. Keep seeds moist, weeded, and be patient and they will grow.

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