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from $25.00

Chestnuts represent an amazing collection of species found around the world. They are capable of living for thousands of years and producing copious amounts of edible nuts every year. Chestnuts are unique among other nuts because they are relatively low in fat and protein and high in carbohydrates. They have a similar nutritional value to brown rice- but they taste so much better than brown rice. Home grown roasted chestnuts are a delicious snack. Don't think you know what they taste like if you've only had chestnuts from the supermarket. To often these nuts are old and dead, shipped from across the world. Chestnuts should be kept fresh and alive in a plastic bag in the fridge until they are roasted. They can also be dried and added to soups, ground into a gluten free-flour, or used in the diets of poultry, livestock, and wildlife..

Chestnuts thrive in well drained acidic soils. Mounds or berms can be created to assist drainage. They flower very late, at the end of June or early July, so they are a pretty safe bet for yearly crops.

Hybrid Chestnut: One of the best strains of chestnut anywhere in the world. Seed for these trees are collected from select trees in a local established chestnut orchard in upstate NY. The trees are blight resistant and produce large beautiful chestnuts. They are open pollinated and seedlings may contain genes from American, Chinese, European, and Japanese chestnuts. Some of the mother trees include such cultivars as 'Willamette', 'Armstrong', 'Jersey Gem', 'Eaton', 'Mossbarger', as well as many other outstanding hybrids. This is our most proven strain of chestnut and the best for northern climates. Hardy to zone 4.

Hybrid Chestnut SMALL: These are the exact same genetics as the above mentioned hybrid chestnuts. The only difference is that the young seedlings were grown very densely in the nursery and so they are small, 6” on average

Chinese Chestnut: Seed from our chinese chestnuts comes from outstanding proven cultivars. The trees bear large crops of huge nuts and should be more cold hardy than run of the mill Chinese chestnuts. Hardy to zone 5 (experimentally in zone 4).

Japanese Chestnut (C. Crenata): The most disease resistant species of chestnut. Our Japanese chestnuts are grown from selected seeds from the Korean Institute of Forest Genetics. Nuts are very large, trees are early and heavily bearing. Hardy to zone 5, possibly zone 4.

Timber Chestnut: Hybrids of American, Asian and European species selected for timber form and blight resistance. Breeding timber chestnut trees is still an ongoing process and though most seedlings will, not all will be blight resistant or have timber form.

Seguin Hybrid: Complex hybrids of seguin, chinkapin, Chinese, and American chestnut, these trees are selected for high productivity at a young age. Nuts are medium/small, crops are abundant early on. Excellent for wildlife plantings

American Hybrid- Trees are mostly American genetics. They have been bred for blight resistance, but still have a way to go. Most trees will succumb to blight. This strain is well suited for experimental plantings and genetic expansion.

Sweetheart Chestnut: A great selection coming from the Wild Turkey Federation. Sweetheart chestnuts are a 50/50 cross of American and Chinese. They are highly blight resistant, very cold hardy and produce medium/small chestnuts that are very sweet in flavor

Szego: Seedlings grown from the cultivar Szego, a cold hardy tree with enormous nuts

Chestnuts will grow 30-60 feet tall. Two trees are required for pollination.

We do not ship Chestnuts to CA, WA, OR, FL, MI, LA due to quarantine restrictions

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Hybrid chestnut