Trees of Power
Trees of Power
Trees of Power is written by Akiva Silver, owner and operator of Twisted Tree Farm. This in depth book covers the propagation, cultivation, uses, and ecology of trees. It is a catalyst and a guide for those of us who already work with trees or those who want to start.
6” x 9” paperback 288 pages
Here is the table of contents:
P A R T O N E Concepts and Skills
1. Life Fountains
2. Planting
3. Propagation from Cuttings
4. Propagation from Seed
5. Propagation by Grafting
6. Propagation by Layering
PART TWO The Allies
7. Chestnut: The Bread Tree
8. Apples: The Magnetic Center
9. Poplar: The Homemaker
10. Ash: Maker of Wood
11. Mulberry: The Giving Tree
12. Elderberry: The Caretaker
13. Hickory: Pillars of Life
14. Hazelnut: The Provider
15. Black Locust: The Restoration Tree
16. Beech: The Root Runner
Afterword: Leaves of the Same Tree
Exercises for Increasing Awareness
Recommended Reading
Resources for Plant Material
A look inside the book:
From the Preface:
My friend Mark and I paddled down the Clarion River in
Pennsylvania. We were dressed in full buckskin. Our clothes
were made from hides we had brain-tanned ourselves. We
carried longbows of hickory and ash that we had made. Flint-tipped
arrows of viburnum wood filled our quivers. Our minds were filled with
vision. To gather all of our food, live in a shelter we made without tools,
sit by a fire lit by no match, and become one with the wilderness. We de-
spised civilization and revered nature. Every morning and evening was
a fully attuned meditation to the forest around us. We had trained for
this trip for years, learning ancient primitive skills, spending thousands
of hours in the woods.
Our camp was far from where any hiker would discover us, tucked
back on the mountain under a canopy of rhododendron and red maple.
It was the month of May. I had just left Rochester, New York. Living
in the suburbs, I was craving the wilderness, desperate for her truths.
The town was dirtied everywhere by the hands of people. Houses, wires,
fences, garbage, streets, electric lights, cars: It was all in the way of what
I thought was real.
As the days went by on our camping trip, I slowly began to realize
how quiet it was there. It was too quiet. When I left Rochester, it had
been bursting with the life of spring. The dawn chorus of birds had
been overwhelming during my morning sits. But here in the wilderness,
under an endless canopy of red maple, it was silent. Maybe I would see
a robin or two at dawn, maybe a chipmunk. In Rochester, in the heart
of the suburbs, I had been encountering thousands of birds, foxes, rac-
coons, deer, mink, opossums, skunks, squirrels, coyotes, and many other
creatures on a daily basis. Here in the “wilderness,” it was silent.
This was the beginning of my realization that people are not bad.
We can be helpful or destructive to wildlife populations. It all depends
on how we focus our energy, on what we do to the soils and how we
influence plant communities.
The hills along the Clarion River where we camped were covered in
close to 100 percent red maple. Those red maples had seeded in at just
the right time following a heavy logging operation 50 to 80 years ago. If
someone had taken the time to plant just a few specific trees at the time
of disturbance, then I would have been in a very different forest. Leav-
ing that land alone following disturbance had its own dramatic effect.
Choosing to do nothing with a piece of land is a big choice that carries
significant consequences.
We live at a time where there is widespread disturbance all around us.
The ground is open and waiting for seeds. We can bemoan the tragedies
that nature has endured or we can cast seeds and plant a future. We can
and do influence the ecosystems around us more than any other species.
That influence can come through reckless destruction, blind abandon-
ment, or conscious intent. This book is about making the choice to
participate in nature through conscious intent by working with trees.